Oh, how I love making these. They are just a project that I keep for comfort and happiness sewing. Someday, there will be a quilt. But, for now, I just love making these.
- recycle shirt
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Rectangle wrangle is finished. I brought it out of the ufo closet in May 2023. I made progress through out the year. I started assembly in July. It was a top in August. I love how it looks and feels. Shirt fabrics are very forgiving, and, so fun to use. Only a few of hubby's old shirts are in this one. The rest are recycled form thrift stores. I see more light than I was expecting while I was making this. I guess that is the magic of using shirt fabrics.
90 x 102 = 27 yards |
Rectangle wrangle is ... read more
Hand me down is finished. This is an older UFo from 2018. I found this pattern in the first Bonnie Hunter book scraps and shirttails. I brought this out of the UFO closet in March of this year, and, it was a top in April. I love this quilt. It is more colorful than it appears on camera. It is made with recycled shirts and a blue from my stash. It was part of my 5 quilts project, but, was late making it to the longarm.
90 x 90 - 21 yards |
I finished one of my 5 quilts a little bit ago, but, couldn't get it on the longarm. I think it is time to dig it out again, and, finish it for August's one monthly goal.
I had a chance to assemble more of my rectangle wrangle quilt. It seems magical, as I add each row, and, see how the pattern emerges. There are a lot of seams that need matching, so, it is slower than my patience, sometimes. It is a big quilt, probably queen size, and very heavy. But I love it so far.
After finishing my one one monthly goal for July - rectangle wrangle blocks, I rewarded my self with fun sewing on my ongoing snail trail blocks with shirting fabric. It looks like I have been adding to this project sine 2021. I really enjoy making these blocks, and, look forward to sewing them any chance I can get. But, they are an 'extra' project and have to wait until I can reward my self with the pleasure.
I finished some |
and I started another batch of blocks |
I am so excited. I have all the blocks done for rectangle wrangle, and, I have started to assemble the top. I think it is going to be a fun quilt to make. Other than playing with the blocks to see how they will look together, I am just sewing twosies.
My One monthly goal for July was to have all 84 blocks finished And, I have met the goal. yipee
I have also played with making the ohio star blocks for the border. I think I have made 4. They are small, and, I need 56 of them. I ...
read moreI am finally working on the downhill blocks for rectangle wrangle. All of the uphill blocks are finished. I think the remaining strips are a little ho hum, but, I will use them. Apparently, I have pulled out all my favorites. In such a busy quilt, they will fit just fine.
I didn't finish my june monthly goal but, I did add three ufo finishes for june and the PHD report
Over time, as I work on this fun side project, I need to cut a few more pieces. I bit the bullet and spent some time cutting the rest of what I needed for 120 blocks. I didn't cut all the background, but, the shirts are all cut and ready for when I need a snails trail fix. This is one of my favorite blocks to sneak in between my "real" projects. I love the look and feel and the way the blocks just fit together. bliss
I have made progress on my rectangle wrangle quilt. I try to make 2 blocks every day. There are 84 blocks, so slow and steady wins the race. I tried to take it with me for a portable project, but, made too many mistakes. It has to stay home. poor baby
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I have been working on rectangle wrangle. I try to make 2 blocks every day. I cut over 400 shirt strips in 2018. After, I sew the strip sets, and, make the tube, I can play with each block. I love shirt fabric, the feel, the colors, the plaids. And, I know the best part will be seeing a whole quilt come together. I think they are always striking. And, any combo of colors will work. I've had this quilt on my list for a long time. Slow and steady, I will work each day. The blocks are divided ...
read moreWhen I finished hand me down top, to be honest, I just wanted to be done. I had worked at it with intent, and, I was losing motivation. I really thought I would skip the cool border that was in the pattern and just add a plain border. I let it steep for a few days, and, I realized part of why I started the quilt, was the border. But, 5 rows? really?
I decided to go for it. I have enough fabric, and, I tend to make bed size quilts, and, I started the quilt with the border as ...
read moreI have been working on the blocks for hand me down in an effort to make rows and join rows. There was minimal matching with the every other block layout.
so fun |
I finished the rows at an open sew at the library. Ooo I like it. I am not sure about borders. It is a bout 74 x 74 as it is. I think I will let it rest a bit, and see I want to finish it.
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I am linking to:
At some point, I started cutting shirts, and, I wanted to organize them. I think it was when I pulled a new UFO project from storage called hand me down. I cut 11 quilt kits - 2 scrappy pinwheels, pineapple blossom, rail fence, 2 ohio star, snails trail, churndash, barnyard split nine, boxed shirts, and take 5. I have a kaliedescope quilt I want to cut.
I cut layer cakes, charm squares, 3 1/2 inch strips, 2 1/2 inch strips, and, I now have a large bag of crumbs and strings. I decided to spend March with my shirt ...
read moreSew excited to see progress on my Hand me down quilt Ufo. All the blocks are made, and, I am sewing each star block to its partner. I liked the star blocks individually, but, they look so nice, as every other block. My goal for the month is to have a finished quilt.
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I opened an older ufo called hand me down last month and have been making flying geese and star blocks. I am nearly done with the blocks. Each block is so different and fun to see, when I finish it. All of them are made from recycled shirt fabrics. I want to make finishing this as my one monthly goal for April. I cut this quilt in 2018, and made the hourglass blocks, before, adding it to the ufo closet.
ugly library carpet |
April tends to get away from me, so I will need to stick to it. We have ...
read moreIt was so exciting to start making the blocks for an older Ufo called hand me down. I didn't pay any attention to matching fabrics. I wanted to see how different combinations would work. I must confess, I didn't wait until all the flying geese were done... I just couldn't.
so fun |
Geese are flying here, as I make the units I need for an older Ufo called hand me down. This is top of my list to finish. But, making flying geese takes a lot of patience and time. I decided I wanted them accurate, so, I went with the deb tucker's instructions and template called wing clipper. They are much more accurate, but, I have more fun if I "fly" by the seat of my pants with rectangles and squares. haha
Once, I started cutting shirts for scrappy pinwheels, there was a cascade of shirt related cutting. Ohio stars was an easy decision. I have the accuquilt go die. I need a 5 1/2 inch strip of shirt to cut one block. So, While I was going through the box of shirts, I cut what I could get from a shirt in that size. Once I had been through the box once, I started cutting with the die. It wasn't until then, I checked my list of ufos, and, found I had a project box already cut. hmmm And ...
read moreI have started working on a new UFO ( hand me down) for my 5 quilts project. I had 2 finishes last week, and, that means it is time to choose replacement projects.
As always, when I open a box that has been in the ufo closet, I need to assess what is there, versus, my notes. My notes said everything was cut. I don't think so. And, it took, some sleuthing to figure out that I cut the flying geese pieces to use deb tuckers ruler and wing cutter. Now, where did I put that?
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2018 |
- recycle shirt
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